2023 Impact Wrap-Up

As we wind down 2023, we are grateful for and proud of the accomplishments of our small but mighty startup. This was a tricky year for those of us in the impact world, as the complexities of a polarized political environment caused backlash against everything from ESG investing to “woke culture.” Yet, as we are discovering and discussing amid this year’s COP28 in Dubai, our world is on the brink of climate catastrophe. Supporting not just good intentions but real action and data around climate and the UN SDGs is more important today than ever. 

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How to Measure What Matters: Focusing on impact in a time of nonstop distractions

For marketers of purpose-driven products, brands, events and films, telling nuanced impact stories and measuring concrete outcomes — beyond likes and shares — can be a challenge. In this article, +Media CEO Julie Davitz shares why developing an impact strategy is so critical for those hoping to better our world — and how Plus Media Solutions is designed to help. 

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Connecting the Dots - Telling your brand story from store shelf to global impact

Communicating impact is hard. It’s a complex effort that, more often than not, takes a lot of work to get right. Your company’s impact-based decisions happen everywhere: how you compensate employees, who is in your supply chain, the ingredients you use, how you package products, your on-site energy use and waste management, where you donate money or give back to your community, and more. That’s a lot to consider — and a lot to try to communicate to consumers.

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How Will You Measure Your Impact This Fall?

As summer fades into fall, the new season brings a flurry of business events and an upsurge in marketing opportunities for many brands. This is a critical time of year to tell your story and find your audience using purpose-driven marketing. 

When you position your brand with a cause or mission that resonates with your audience, you can build deeper connections and foster loyalty, all while improving your engagement. Purpose-driven marketing can help you stand out from the competition, connect with your audience on a more personal level, and allow you to make a bigger impact on the world as a whole.  

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Powering Your Brand's Growth With Purpose-Driven Marketing


  • Purpose-driven marketing is a powerful approach that emphasizes aligning a company's values, mission, and actions with the needs and values of its target audience.
  • Purpose-driven marketing aims to develop an even deeper affinity with consumers and set yourself apart from your competitors.
  • Learn how to successfully implement purpose-driven marketing campaigns using authenticity, storytelling, engagement and measurement.
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