Case Study: How +Media Encourages Viewers To Watch More Of Your Content

 +Media captures viewers at the moment of interest and seamlessly guides them to a memorable and measurable experience through curated engagement.


  • FINTECH.TV wanted to provide viewers with relevant actions around impact investing and sustainable finance while encouraging their audience to view additional FINTECH.TV content
  • +Media utilized purpose-driven marketing tools for FINTECH.TV to engage viewers with aligned impact-investing content and solutions
  • Nearly half of the +Impact Hub users returned to TheIMPACT or The Great Repricing Channel to view additional content, demonstrating the value-add of direct, solution-oriented audience engagement. 
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Simple Acts With Big Impact On Earth Day

Earth Day has been honored nationwide for over 50 years and around the globe through mobilization for environmental causes. While it is not a federally recognized holiday, many celebrate it through education, awareness, and action toward the environmental movement.

Replacing carbon-intensive fuels with renewable energy sources would significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. A study by the US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory explored the feasibility of generating 80% of the country's electricity from renewable sources by the year 2050. They found that renewable energy could help reduce the electricity sector's emissions by approximately 81%.

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Case Study: How +Media Increased WBCSD's Engagement During (And After) An Event


  • Bark Media enlisted +Media to activate and measure audience engagement during (and after) the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) session in GreenBiz 23
  • +Media’s impact plug-in bridged the gap between interest and action, seamlessly bringing WBCSD’s session attendees to a +Hub of solutions that generate a positive impact, all with a single click
  • In the two months since the event, WBCSD has gained 900 additional users of its +Impact Hub and increased its average and top engagement rates to 17% and 31%, respectively
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